- 30a-B-3 RFC-XXでのプラズマ内部生成実験 II
- 2a-M-7 ガイドフィールドを持った重イオンプローブの設計
- 2a-M-6 RFC-XXにおけるICRHプラズマの高周波封じ込め III
- 2a-M-5 RFC-XXにおけるガスパフによるプラズマ内部生成
- 2a-M-4 RFC-XXの中央部におけるミラープラズマ
- 2a-M-3 高周波回転電磁場によるポイントカスププラギング
- 2a-M-2 ラインカスププラグへの高周波入力の測定
- Thermal Characteristics of a Metal-Film Bolometer
- Radiation Loss and Impurity Abundance during ICRF Heating in the JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- Characteristics of the Detectors for Bolometric Measurement in Application to High Temperature Plasma
- Effect of In Situ Carbon Coating on ICRF-Heated Tokamak Plasmas Relating to Radiation Loss by Iron-Impurities in JIPP T-IIU
- Measurement of Electron Cyclotron Emission from JIPP T-II Plasma
- Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of Electron Cyclotron Emission from JIPP T-II Torus
- Low-Frequency Instability of a High Density Plasma in a Multiple Mirror
- Generation of High Efficiency 2μm Laser Pulse from a Periodically Poled 5mol% MgO-Doped LiNbO_3 Optical Parametric Oscillator
- Thermally Induced Birefringence Compensation in High Average Power Nd:YAG Laser
- Thermal-Lens-Effect Compensation of Nd:YAG Rod Laser Using a Solid Element of Negative Temperature Coefficient of Refractive Index
- Compact Temporal-Pulse-Compressor Used in Fused-Silica Glass at 1064nm Wavelength
- Scaling of Edge Magnetic Fluctuations In DIII-D L-Mode
- Cross Sections for Electron Stripping of Fast H_2 Molecules Incident on H_2 and N_2 Gases