- Analytic Continuation and Riemann Surface Determination of Algebraic Functions by Computer
- On Hypoellipticity of the Operator ${\rm exp} [- {\mid} x_1 {\mid} ^{- \sigma}] D^2 _1+x^4 _1 D^2_2 +1$ : Dedicated to Professor Matsuhide Matsumura on his seventieth birthday
- Complete space-like hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in a Lorentz space form of dimension 4.
- Solving Multivariate Algebraic Equation by Hensel Construction
- On some properties on span
- Geometrical theory of geavitational and electromagnetic fields in higher order Lagrange spaces
- Mass minimizing submanifolds with respect to some Riemannian metrics
- Integral geometry under cut loci in compact symmetric spaces : Dedicated to Professor Masaru Takeuchi on his sixtieth birthday
- Minor degenerations of the full matrix algebra over a field
- A Matsumoto-type theorem for Kac-Moody groups
- Root strings with three or four real roots in Kac-Moody root systems
- Groups, Lie algebras and Gauss decompositions for one dimensional tilings
- The C^∞-well posed Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators dominated by time functions
- Microlocal a priori estimates and the Cauchy problem I
- Microhyperbolic Operators in Gevrey Classes
- Quasilinear hyperbolic operators with the characteristics of variable multiplicity
- Microlocal a priori estimates and the Cauchy problem II
- The Cauchy problem for Schrodinger type equations with variable coefficients Dedicated to Professor Toshinobu Muramatsu on his 60th birthday
- Microlocal smoothing effect for Schrodinger equations in Gevrey spaces
- Lp-boundedness of pseudo-differential operators satisfying Besov estimates I