Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center Nagoya University | 論文
- Characteristics of a Dissipating Cloud Cluster over the East China Sea : A TRMM-Aircraft Simultaneous Observation
- Diffusion of Refractory Elements in Ni-X-Y (X, Y:Re, W, Ru, Al) Ternary Alloys
- Al and Re Interdiffusion in the γ-Phase of Ni-Al-Re System
- Interannual Variation of Seasonal Changes of Precipitation and Moisture Transport in the Western North Pacific
- Characteristics of Low Level Jets over Okinawa in the Baiu and post-Baiu Seasons Revealed by Wind Profiler Observations
- Role of the Heated Landmass on the Evolution and Duration of a Heavy Rain Episode over a Meiyu-Baiu Frontal Zone
- Thermodynamic Impact of the Heated Landmass on the Nocturnal Evolution of a Cloud Cluster over a Meiyu-Baiu Front
- C103 Possible mechanism for prevalence of midlevel convections to south of the Meiyu front : A case study of convective systems on 22 July 2002 over the downstream region of Yangtze River
- An Observational Study of the Development of a Rainband on a Meiyu Front Causing Heavy Rainfall in the Downstream Region of the Yangtze River
- Three-Dimensional Structure of a Mesoscale Convective System in a Baiu-Frontal Depression Generated in the Downstream Region of the Yangtze River
- Lower atmospheric wind profiler for diagnosing the Meiyu/Baiu precipitating cloud systems in the downstream of the Yangtze River
- Wind Profiler with RASS for monitoring of Wind, Temperature during Meiyu frontal precipitation systems in the downstream of Yangtze River
- Wind profiler observations during the intensive field experiments on the Meiyu frontal precipitation systems in the downstream of Yangtze River in 2001
- 4.次世代地球観測衛星を用いた気象学研究の展望(日本気象学会創立125周年記念国際シンポジウム「次世代の大気科学に期待すること」(2007年度春季大会)の報告)
- P160 The Palau Lower atmospheric wind profiler : Intercomparison with radiosonde and first mesoscale meteorological case studies
- Relationships among Structures, Development Processes, and Heating Profiles for Two Mesoscale Convective Systems in Inactive Phase of a Large-Scale Disturbance over Northern Australia during the Southern Summer in 1998-1999
- Dual-Doppler Radar Observations on Factors Causing Differences in the Structure of Snow Clouds during Winter Monsoon Surges
- P454 Properties of Convection within the ISO Observed in the Cruise of the R/V "Mirai"
- Variation of Convection over the Tropical Western Pacific in the Intraseasonal Oscillation
- A106 Characteristics of Convective Echoes around the Meiyu Front over Huaihe Basin : Analyses with Hefei Dopplar Radar for 2001-2003