Hirosaki Univ. Aomori Jpn | 論文
- Responses of shoot growth and survival to water stress gradient in diploid and tetraploid populations of Lolium multiflorum and L. perenne
- Composition of aquatic invertebrates associated with macrophytes in Lake Tonle Sap, Cambodia
- Nd-YAGレーザー照射による穿孔外傷ラット白内障モデルの創傷治癒メカニズムの検討
- 脂質は白内障の原因となるか?
- アスタキサンチンによる房水中 Superoxide 消去活性への影響
- 白内障手術後におけるアスタキサンチンの炎症抑制効果
- Pathogenicity of Mycochaetophora gentianae, causal fungus of gentian brown leaf spot, as affected by host species, inoculum density, temperature, leaf wetness duration, and leaf position
- グリケーションと白内障
- Valdensia leaf blight of highbush blueberry caused by Valdensinia heterodoxa, a new fungal disease in Japan