Hamamatsu Photonics K.k. | 論文
- 超高速微弱光現象の計測
- 新規産業創出の基盤形成に必須な大出力レーザー
- 近赤外光を用いた生体計測
- Thermal Properties of BaFCl Crystals Simulated by Molecular Dynamics
- Optical Absorption in Fluorocarbon Liquids for the High Energy Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Phase Conjugation and Compression
- High-power diode-pumped zigzag slab lasers and applications
- Analysis of parasitic oscillation and evaluation of amplifer module of zig-zag slab laser system
- Analysis and evaluation of laser-induced damage of zig-zag slab laser amplifier
- Analysis and Evaluation of Zig-Zag Slab Laser Amplifier with Optical Diamond Geometry
- Development of HALNA DPSSL for the inertial fusion energy
- Diode-Pumped Glass Laser (10J x 10Hz) Development
- Quasi-CW 110kW AlGaAs Laser Diode Array Module for Inertial Fusion Energy Laser Driver : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Design and Performance of a Diode-Pumped Nd:Silica-Phosphate Glass Zig-Zag Slab Laser Amplffier for Inertial Fusion Energy : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Thermal- and Spectral-Characteristics of High-Power Quasi-Continuous Wave 940-nm InGaAs Diode Laser Arrays
- Tunable Near-Infrared and Visible All-Solid-State Optical Parametric Oscillator Amplifier System Based on Potassium Titanyl Phosphate Crystal
- Bandwidth Narrowing of an All-Solid-State Optical Parametric Oscillator Amplifier System
- Conceptual Design Studies of a Laser Diode Pumped Solid State Laser System for the Laser Fusion Reactor Driver
- A Split-Disk Geometry Glass Laser Amplifier
- Direct Interferometric Measurement of Static and Nonlinear Wavefront Distortions of a High Power Glass Laser Beam
- Anisotropy in Magnetic Hysteresis of BSr_2Ca_Cu_nO_(n = 3, 4, 5) Superconductors