Gray Cancer Institute | 論文
- MS1-3 X線マイクロビームを使ったバイスタンダー効果発現の機構解析(ミニシンポジウム(I) : 遺伝的不安定性)
- Microbeam Studies of the Bystander Response
- The Relationship of Thyroid Cancer with Radiation Exposure from Nuclear Weapon Testing in the Marshall Islands
- Evidence for Induction of DNA Double Strand Breaks in the Bystander Response to Targeted Soft X-Rays in Repair Deficient CHO Cells
- Strand Break Induction in Plasmid DNA Irradiated with Low Energy Electrons
- Studies of the Induction of Radiation Damage in DNA Using Low-Energy Photons (SR) and Electrons.
- Induction of strand scissions in plasmid DNA by low energy VUV photons
- Investigating Cellular Effects of Radiation Using Microbeam Techniques.
- The Relationship of Thyroid Cancer with Radiation Exposure from Nuclear Weapon Testing in the Marshall Islands
- A Review of Microbeam Studies of the Bystander Response
- The Queen's University Variable-Energy X-ray Microbeam and its Use in Studying the Dynamics of DNA Damage and Repair
- AML1 Gene Rearrangements and Mutations in Radiation-Associated Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndromes