Graduate school of information science and technology, Hokkaido University | 論文
- Changes in mRNA Stability Associated with Cold Stress in Arabidopsis Cells
- Pitch-Independent Realization of 30-nm-Diameter InGaAs Nanowire Arrays by Two-Step Growth Method in Selective-Area Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
- Selective-Area Growth of InAs Nanowires with Metal/Dieiectric Composite Mask and Their Application to Vertical Surrounding-Gate Field-Effect Transistors
- 2P213 単一細胞膜揺らぎ計測のためのイオンコンダクタンス顕微鏡技術の開発(13B.生体膜・人工膜:ダイナミクス,ポスター,日本生物物理学会年会第51回(2013年度))
- Stochastic Extremum-Seeking Algorithm for One-Dimensional and Multivariate Static Systems