Graduate school of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University | 論文
- Empirical Relation of Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and Specific Heat in Heavy Fermion Compounds
- NMR Study of a Heavy Fermion Compound YbAs
- Phylogenetic relationships of brown frogs from Taiwan and Japan assessed by mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (Rana : Ranidae)
- Estimation of Phylogenetic Relationships among Japanese Brown Frogs from Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene (Amphibia : Anura)
- 23aQF-3 ホーキング輻射と波のストレッチ効果(領域2,領域11合同シンポジウム エネルギーと保存則を考え直す-非エルミート作用素理論の進展と展望-,領域2,プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理)
- 23pRC-2 ホーキング輻射と波のストレッチ効果
- Equilibrium Density Distribution of a Two-Species Plasma with a Single Sign of Charge(Gases, Plasmas and Electric Discharges)
- Equilibrium Density Distribution of a Two-Species Plasma with a Single Sign of Charge
- Single-Shot Measurements of Spin-Transfer Switching in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
- 25pZW-9 JASMINEのためのレーザー干渉計型高精度望遠鏡ジオメトリーモニターの研究開発II(重力波(招待講演),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 22aZH-13 JASMINEのためのレーザー干渉計型高精度望遠鏡ジオメトリーモニターの研究開発I(22aZH 重力波,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 23pVC-7 2次元Hamiltonian Mean Field Modelの準定常状態(23pVC 非平衡定常系(熱・統計力学基礎論を含む)2,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- Age determination of wrinkled frog, Rana rugosa with special reference to high variation in postmetamorphic body size (Amphibia : Ranidae)
- A comparison of age structures in two populations of a pond frog Rana nigromaculata (Amphibia : anura)
- Mixing-Typed Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering in YbSb : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Taxonomic relationships within the Pan-Oriental narrow-mouth toad Microhyla ornata as revealed by mtDNA analysis (Amphibia, Anura, Microhylidae)
- Phylogenetic relationships of brown frogs with 24 chromosomes from Far East Russia and Hokkaido assessed by mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (Rana : Ranidae)
- Magnetic fabric analysis of deformed rocks in the Riiser-Larsen Main Shear Zone, East Antarctica
- Magnetic petrology and its implication for magma mixing of the 1991-1995 dacite at Unzen volcano, Japan
- The Practice Effect and Its Difference of the Pursuit Rotor Test with the Dominant and Non-dominant Hands