Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokai University | 論文
- Effects of Grid Cathode Structure on a Low-Input-Power Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device
- 水素吸蔵合金薄膜と超磁歪合金薄膜を用いた複合運動機能素子の開発
- Wavelength-Addressed Intra-Board Optical Interconnection by Plug-in Alignment with a Micro Hole Array
- Strengthening of alkali free glass thin film applied for liquid-crystal TV
- Composition Dependence on Compressive Magnetostriction of Fe-Sm Binary Alloy Thin Films
- Effect of Dynamic Strain Aging on Isothermal (473K) Low Cycle Fatigue of Ferritic Ductile Cast Iron
- A new coarse-to-fine method for computing disparity images by sampling disparity spaces (特集 若手研究者) -- (音声画像処理・認識)
- Effects of Electron Beam Irradiation on Elasticity of CFRTP (CF/PEEK)
- Synthetic Study of Glycosylated IgV Domain of Tim-3 Using Segment Condensation Method
- Efficient Synthesis of Fmoc-aminoacyl-N-ethylcysteine, a Key Device for Peptide Thioester Preparation
- Chemical Synthesis of Sublancin, a Bacterial S-Linked Glycopeptide
- Synthesis of PDMS/PEO Graft Copoly (Amide-Imide)s and the Effect of Composition on Membrane Propertis
- Privacy-preserving Collaborative Filtering Using Randomized Response (Preprint)
- Privacy-preserving Collaborative Filtering Using Randomized Response
- Privacy-preserving Collaborative Filtering Using Randomized Response