Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University | 論文
- Probability Density Function of Longitudinal Velocity Increment in Homogeneous Turbulence
- Conditional Averages and Probability Density Functions in the Passive Scalar Field
- PIV Measurement of Pressure Distributions about Single Bubbles
- Simulation of Bubble Motion under Gravity by Lattice Boltzmann Method
- The IRSF Magellanic Clouds Point Source Catalog
- 海洋大循環モデルを利用したジャワ海の輸送量と海面水位に関する研究
- Methane uptake and nitrous oxide emission in Japanese forest soils and their relationship to soil and vegetation types(Environment)
- Far-Infrared Absorption Measurements of Polypeptides and Cytochrome c by THz Radiation
- An Extrasolar Planet Transit Search with Subaru Suprime-Cam
- Seasonal variations of precipitable water and rainfall over the Indonesian maritime continent
- Secondary Structures and Structural Fluctuation in a Dimeric Protein, Streptomyces Subtilisin Inhibitor
- A first paleomagnetic and rock magnetic investigation of calcareous nodules from the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Relation of Chemical Properties of Soil Humic Acids to Decolorization by White Rot Fungus : Coriolus consors (Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy)
- Magnetic Resonance Thermography Using Water Proton Chemical Shift : Preliminary Results on Self-referenced Technique for Motion Compensation(PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS OF TOKAI UNIVERSITY)
- Population of Humic Acid Degrading Microorganisms in Andosols under Different Vegetation Types and Grassland Management Regimens
- Liposome Immune Lysis Assay of Antibodies by Liposomes Encapsulating Coenzyme β-NAD^+
- Planetary Companions to Evolved Intermediate-Mass Stars : 14 Andromedae, 81 Ceti, 6 Lyncis, and HD 167042
- Planetary Companions around Three Intermediate-Mass G and K Giants : 18 Delphini, ξ Aquilae, and HD 81688
- Subaru Near Infrared Coronagraphic Images of T Tauri
- Stimulatory effects of sea salts on cell growth in liquid culture of Avicenniaceae mangrove