Graduate School of Science and Technology, KEIO University | 論文
- Welding of Thin Steel Plates by Hybrid Welding Process Combined TIG Arc with YAG Laser
- TCP Reassembler for Layer7-Aware Network Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems(Dependable Computing)
- A Corpus-based E-learning System for Japanese Vocabulary
- Fabrication of Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly Films Using Roll-to-Roll Process
- The two-way MIMO wire-tap channel: an achievable secrecy capacity region (無線通信システム)
- Analysis of Noncontact Squeegeeing Device for Liquid Toner Electrophotography
- A-6-3 Pollution Attacks in XOR Network Coding : a Broadcast Encryption Perspective
- 協調MIMOシステムにおける秘密保持容量特性(移動通信ワークショップ)
- Coffee Induces Breast Cancer Resistance Protein Expression in Caco-2 Cells
- The Multipurpose Methods for Efficient Searching at Online Shopping(System)(Knowledge-Based Software Engineering)
- Evaluation of Influence of Anisotropic Diffusion near a Wall in Near-Field Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy of Nanoparticles
- A Mapping Method for Multi-Process Execution on Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors
- A Real-Time Stream Authentication Scheme for Video Streams (特集:ブロードバンド・ユビキタス・ネットワークとその応用)
- Target Detection with MSN Algorithm for the Bistatic Radar Using Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Signals
- 1P-065 X線結晶解析における水分子位置評価および蛋白質水和構造予測プログラムの開発(蛋白質-計測・解析の方法論,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Improvements in TCP Robustness for Asymmetric Bandwidth
- Solar powered ejector cooling cycle (特集 冷凍空調分野における太陽熱利用技術)
- Intelligent Control Using Cubic Neural Network for Swinging up and Stabilizing Pendulum
- Blind Deconvolution for a Curved Motion Based on Cepstral Analysis
- B-19-9 A Hierarchical Reservoir Computing Technique for Indoor Localization based on Signal Subspace Features