Graduate School of Science, Osaka Prefectural University | 論文
- AtFLA11, a Fasciclin-Like Arabinogalactan-Protein, Specifically Localized in Screlenchyma Cells
- 重力によって制御される偏差的なオーキシン極性移動は黄化エンドウ芽生え上胚軸の重力応答反応を制御する--3次元クリノスタット上での擬似微小重力環境および重力応答突然変異体,ageotropumエンドウを用いた解析
- Requirement for the Gravity-Controlled Transport of Auxin for a Negative Gravitropic Response of Epicotyls in the Early Growth Stage of Etiolated Pea Seedlings
- Role of auxin in automorphosis of etiolated pea seedlings