Graduate School of Polymathematics, Nagoya University | 論文
- Transformations on white noise functions associated with second order differential operators of diagonal type
- A role of Bargmann-Segal spaces in characterization and expansion of operators on Fock space
- Global solution for the Yang-Mills gradient flow on 4-manifolds
- A generalization of Kohnen's estimates for Fourier coefficients of Siegel cusp forms
- Notions of independence related to free groups II: from Singleton Condition to Singleton Independence(Recent Trends in Infinite Dimensional Non-Commutative Analysis)
- maximal surjective Buchsbaum moduleとperfect moduleのテンソル積(次数付可換環のホモロジカルな性質の研究)
- Periodic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded domains
- Hitsuda-Skorohod quantum stochastic integrals in terms of quantum stochastic gradients (量子解析におけるミクロ・マクロ双対性--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- On stability of periodic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded domains(Structure of Solutions for Partial Differential Equations)