Graduate School of Nanobioscience, Yokohama City University | 論文
- Functions and Regulation of Artemis : A Goddess in the Maintenance of Genome Integrity
- 1P-025 翻訳後修飾を受けるタンパク質の立体構造変化データベース解析(蛋白質-構造機能相関,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Anomalous H/D Isotope Effect on ^ClNQR Frequencies and H/D Isotope Effect on ^1HMASNMR Spectra in Pyrrolidinium p-Chlorobenzoate
- 3TA1-03 蛋白質構造ゆらぎの二面角系主成分分析(蛋白質-構造機能相関,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Side-chain Conformations Cooperatively Restricted in Protein Secondary Structure : II. Side-chain Configurational Entropies of α-helices in the Folding Nuclei
- Side-chain Conformations Cooperatively Restricted in Protein Secondary Structure : I. A Novel Method for Exhaustive Structure Searching
- 1L1536 イーストF1-ATPaseの16°回転に伴う水のエントロピー変化の理論解析(分子モーター1,第49回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Expression of foreign aquaporin genes in lily pollen protoplasts
- Expression of foreign aquaporin genes in lily pollen protoplasts
- Flexible Xxx–Asp/Asn and Gly–Xxx Residues of Equine Cytochrome c in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization In-Source Decay Mass Spectrometry
- The pH Dependence of Product Ion Spectra Obtained from Precursor Ions with the Same Charge Number in ESI of Carbonic Anhydrase 2