Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University | 論文
- Quest for Humanization of Security and Development Paradigms : Analysis of Landmarks in the ONUC Humanitarian Activities
- Japanese Household Demand for Fresh Fruits, 1991-2006 : Based on Cities With Prefectural Government and Highly Populated Cities
- Computational Analysis of the economic impacts of Japan’s FDI in Asia
- Decentralization and Local Autonomy in Indonesia (特集)
- How could Management of Borobudur World Heritage Site be Enhanced for Improving Tourism Impact for the Community ? : A Preliminary Comparison with Angkor World Heritage Site
- Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the IT Sector in Bangladesh: Lessons Learned and Policy Recommendations
- Factors Influencing Crop Diversification in Sri Lanka
- Determinants of Farmers' Participation in Farmers-Agribusiness Linkage and Its Implication for Income Distribution in Sri Lanka--A Case Study of Hybrid Maize Production (個別報告の部 〔地域農林経済学会〕大会個別報告論文)
- Present State and Issues of a Farmers-Agribusiness Linkage in Sri Lanka : A Case Study of Gherkin Production
- Tropical Fresh Fruits Demand Elasticity in Malaysia
- Philippine Electoral Distortion and Perpetuation of Corruption in the Government
- Practices of Critical Managerial Skills : A Comparison among Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese Managers
- Decentralized Decision Making Practices in Chinese State-Owned Corporations
- Regional Economic Integration and its Impacts on Growth, Poverty and Income Distribution : The Case of Vietnam
- Production, Social Accounting and Financial Social Accounting Multiplier Analyses with the Financial Social Accounting Matrix of Pakistan
- The changing HRM practices of Japanese firms and the impacts on compensation practices of Japanese affiliates in Malaysia
- A World Link CGE Model Applied to the Economic Reform in the Slovak Republic and EU Enlargement
- The Capacity Building for Democratic Developmental Local Governance (特 集)
- Macroeconomic Policy Analysis of Slovak Republic with Focus on Foreign Trade - A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium(CGE)Approach
- Poverty and Migrant Selectivity in South-south Cross-border Migration : Evidence from Cambodia