Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-communications | 論文
- Effect on Run-time Auto-tuning for the Multi-section with Multiple Eigenvalues Method
- Multi-section with Multiple Eigenvalues Method for Computing Eigenvalues in Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigensolvers(並列数値計算, 「ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングとアーキテクチャの評価」に関する北海道ワークショップ(HOKKE-2006))
- A report on Top-k keyword search algorithms with redundancy elimination on graph databases
- 大学におけるeラーニング実践の知識マネージメント(情報教育と学習支援システム/一般)
- An Intelligent Programming Supporting Environment Based on Agent Model (Special Issue on Educational System using Multimedia and Communication Technology)
- I_076 Relevant Motion Detection From Motion Vectors in MPEG Stream
- Multicast Communication for Video Broadcasting Service over IPv4 Network Using IP Option(Internet)
- Narrowband Experimental Study for Indoor Propagation Characteristics in the 60 GHz Band
- Performance of AIC for constrained MLE in detecting a change-point
- Change-point Detection from Margina Count Failure Data
- On Analysis of Acceptable Region of a Statistical Multiplexer Based on Fractional Brownian Traffic Models
- On Construction of Reversible Variable-Length Codes Including Resynchronization Markers as Codewords
- On Multiple Smoothed Transmission of MPEG4 Video Stream
- On Multiple Smoothed Transmission of MPEG Video Streams(Image Coding, Information Theory and Its Applications)
- An Information Integration Architecture for Mobile Users in WWW Environment (特集:新世代デ-タベ-ス技術--インタ-ネット・マルチメディア・モ-バイルを中心として)
- An Evaluation of Generational Replacement Schemes Based on WWW Caching Proxy Server Logs
- An Evaluation of Connection Caching on the World Wide Web(Special Issue on Parallel Processing)
- B-15-17 A Study on Location-Based Collaborative Mobile Storage Using Short-Range Wireless Communication
- Fast, Effective Instruction Generation Algorithm For Queue-Java Compiler (QJAVAC)
- SIMILARITY MEASURES FOR IMAGE RETRIEVAL BASED ON SEGMENTED REGIONS(International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2007)