Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University | 論文
- Two-layer model of wind-driven circulation in the Antarctic Ocean
- In-situ ice and meteorological observations in the southern Sea of Okhotsk in 2001 winter: ice structure, snow on ice, surface temperature, and optical environments
- 有機性廃棄物を材料とした浄化槽用シーディング剤の汚水浄化効果
- Effect of Eluants and Regenerants on the Separation of Organic Acids in Ion-Exclusion Chromatography
- Novel Surface-modified Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Focused on the Removal of Interference in Environmental Water Samples
- Influence of Dietary Methionine Level on the Liver Metallothionein mRNA Level in Rats(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Bioactivity of Cyclic Analogs of a Syndecan-Binding Peptide Derived from the Human Laminin α3 Chain LG4 Module
- Identification of Heparin Binding Sites in the Laminin α2 Chain LG4-5 Module
- Effects of Copulation Duration on Fertility and Sexual Receptivity of Females in Drosophila elegans(Behavior Biology)
- Abiotic factors associated with the occurrence of introduced rainbow trout in the Atsuta River
- 熱帯山地林の林床におけるショウガ科草本の空間分布特性
- Seasonal Variations of Water Masses and Sea Level in the Southwestern Part of the Okhotsk Sea
- Relationship between Flower Number and Reproductive Success of a Spring Ephemeral Herb, Anemone flaccida (Ranunculaceae)
- Flowering phenology of alpine plant communities along a gradient of snowmelt timing
- Gender variation of Dryas octopetala along snowmelt and latitudinal gradients in the Subarctic and the High Arctic
- Does seed production of spring ephemerals decrease when spring comes early?
- Variations in floral traits of sympatric alpine shrubs, Phyllodoce caerulea and Phyllodoce aleutica, along snowmelt gradients
- Microscale variations in the mating system and heterospecific incompatibility mediated by pollination competition in alpine snowbed plants
- Size-dependent Variation of Phenotypic Gender and Functional Gender of a Spring Ephemeral, Anemone debilis Fisch.(Reproductive Biology)
- Determination of Nitrobenzene in Water and Ice Samples Collected from the Songhua River after an Explosion of a Petrochemical Plant and Investigation on Enclosing Behavior of Nitrobenzene into Ice