Graduate School of Engineering Science Osaka University | 論文
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- Electrical Spin Injection into Silicon Using MgO Tunnel Barrier
- 19pPSA-89 YbAsの熱膨張測定(領域8ポスターセッション(f電子系統II),領域8(強相関系 : 高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 20pPSB-4 YbAs の低温弾性定数測定
- 19aPS-16 YbAsの弾性定数測定
- Unraveling Genuine First Order Bulk Valence Transition and Kondo Resonance Behaviors in YbInCu_4 by High Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- 25aYC-18 SmSの高分解能角度分解光電子分光
- 24aH-9 SmSの超高分解能光電子分光;c-f混成ギャップの観測
- Magnetic Field Evolution of a Novel Phase Transition in CeOs_4Sb_ : ^Sb NMR Study
- Observation of Direct Transitions in the Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Dimer System (CH_3)_2NH_2CuCl_3 by High-Field ESR(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Detailed ESR Measurements for the Quantum Molecular Magnet V15 at Ultra-Low Temperatures(Nanometer-Scale Magnets, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- 23aQE-5 High resolution hard X-ray(8keV) photoelectron spectroscopy of genuine bulk electronic structures of V and Yb compounds
- High-Field Magnetostriction of the Spin-State Transition Compound LaCoO_3(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- Woody Biomass Production by Utilizing Coppice of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in an Arid Area in Western Australia
- Development of ^Eu Time-Domain Interferometry and Its Application for the Study of Slow Dynamics in Ionic Liquids
- Mossbauer Spectroscopy of La_Ca_FePO and LaFeAsO_F_ under External Magnetic Field and Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering of La_Ca_FePO(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical prop
- Spin Ordering in LaFeAsO and Its Suppression in Superconductor LaFeAsO_F_ Probed by Mossbauer Spectroscopy(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magnetic Excitations in Heavy Electron State of Filled Skutterudite Pr_xLa_Fe_4P_ (x=1.00 and 0.85)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- ^Co-NMR Probe for Stepwise Magnetization and Magnetotransport in SrCo_6O_ with Metallic Kagome Layer and Triangular Lattice with Local Moments(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)