Graduate School of Engineering Nagoya Institute of Technology | 論文
- A Distant Multipath Routing Method for Reliable Wireless Multi-Hop Data Transmission
- Fast Remaining Thickness Measurement Using a Laser Source Scanning Technique
- Temperature Elevation in the Human Body Models of Child and Fetus for Far-Field Exposure from 30MHz to 6GHz
- Quality of Experience Assessment of Dynamic Output Timing Control of Fragrance in Networked Virtual Environment
- Detection of human arm approaching direction based on electrostatic coupling in human body communication
- 分散仮想環境における香りの出力タイミングの動的制御(サービス品質,クラウド,SDN(Software-Defined Network),コンテンツ配信,一般)
- Novel Scheme of Figure-Error Correction for X-ray Nanofocusing Mirror
- Two-dimensional Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Peptide at the Solid/Water Interface toward a Facile Method for Metal Nanoparticle Alignment
- An Investigation on Thermal Recycling of Recycled Plastic Resin : (Effects of Replacement Rate and Median Diameter of PET-Resin Powder on In-Furnace Combustion)
- Ozone Production Efficiency of Atmospheric Dielectric Barrier Discharge of Oxygen Using Time-Modulated Power Supply
- 多地点間の合唱におけるメディア同期のユーザ体感品質評価
- BS-7-4 Theoretical Approximation of Correlated Lognormal Sum Distribution for In-body to On-body UWB Diversity Channel
- TDR Analysis of Electromagnetic Radiation from a Bend of Micro-Strip Line
- Experimental Study of Capacitive He/O2 Discharges at Atmospheric Pressure
- Atomic and Electronic Structures of Stair-Rod Dislocations in Si and GaAs
- The Effectiveness of Adaptive Capacity Allocation on QoE of Audio-Video IP Transmission over the IEEE 802.16 BE Service
- Time-Optimal Gathering Algorithm of Mobile Robots with Local Weak Multiplicity Detection in Rings
- Exactly Time-Reversible Molecular Dynamics Algorithm for Rigid-Body Systems
- Dependences of Plasma Parameters on Dilution Gas Content in Inductively Coupled C2F6/Ar and C2F6/O2 Discharges
- Temperature Elevation in the Human Body Models of Child and Fetus for Far-Field Exposure from 30MHz to 6GHz