Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University | 論文
- 数理経済学とコンピュータ--社会選択理論への応用 (特集 金融・数理経済学とコンピュータ--数理モデルで読み解く経済現象)
- Pareto Optimum Allocations in the Economy with Clubs (Mathematical Economics)
- Optimal Growth under Uncertainty : A Complete Characterization of Weakly Maximal Programs(Nonlinear Analysis and Mathematical Economics)
- 数理経済学--最適成長の理論 (数理科学からみた現代科学の横断面)
- On the Existence of an Equilibrium for an Aggregate Model of Stationary Markov Economy
- レオンチェフの逆理 (パラドックスの効用)
- On the Existence of Optimal Stationary States in Capital Accumulation under Uncertainty : A Case of Linear Direct Utility
- Support Prices for Optimal Programs of Capital Accumulation in a General Reduced Model under Uncertainty
- 不確実性と市場均衡
- On Duality Theory for the Continuous Time Model of Capital Accumulation
- A New Concept of Equilibrium for a Private Ownership Economy with Profit-Making Firms
- On Existence of Optimal Programs of Capital Trading Structures : The Case of the Japanese General Trading Companies
- 一般均衡と不完全競争における企業行動の理論
- Price Formation and Cooperative Behavior of Firms : A Limit Theorem on Competition among Firms
- A Minimax Analysis of Merton's Problem
- Optimal Consumption/Investment Decisions in Markovian Dynamic Systems
- An Extension of Krylov's Approach to Stochastic Solutions: The Space £E
- The Ricardo-Viner Trade Model with an Intermediate Good
- Diagrammatic Demonstration of Oligopsonies An Alternative Method
- An Inquiry into the Status and Nature of University-Industry Research Collaborations in Japan and Korea