Graduate School of Biostudies Kyoto University | 論文
- Substrate specificity of carp hepatopancreatic cathepsin S for peptides and myofibrillar proteins
- Purification and characterization of cathepsin S from hepatopancreas of carp Cyprinus carpio
- Genes Specifically Expressed in Sexually Differentiated Female Spheroids of Volvox carteri
- 4S42 ラクトバチルス属乳酸菌は表層タンパク質を介して糖鎖に接着する
- S64 糖鎖を介した乳酸菌の細胞接着と菌体表層タンパク質
- 1.Streptococcus bovisのMalate Permeaseの機能解析 : ビタミンB研究委員会第359回会議研究発表要旨
- ルーメンバクテリアStreptococcus bovis の malic enzyme と malate permease
- 212 Lactobacillus属乳酸菌の糖脂質に対する接着と細胞表層に存在する糖鎖受容タンパク質
- 2. グルタチオンの4種の光学異性体の合成とその性質
- Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Plays a Crucial Role in Limiting Nitrogen Fixation in Lotus japonicus Nodules
- Stromal Over-reduction by High-light Stress as Measured by Decreases in P700 Oxidation by Far-red Light and its Physiological Relevance
- Kinetic Equation for Template-Dependent Polymerase Reactions and Its Application to Thermus thermophilus DNA Polymerase
- A transmembrane chemokine, CXC chemokine ligand 16, expressed by lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells has the potential to regulate T cell migration and adhesion
- A novel reticular stromal structure in lymph node cortex : an immuno-platform for interactions among dendritic cells, T cells and B cells
- Kinetic Properties of Qβ Replicase, an RNA Dependent RNA Polymerase
- Random Mutagenesis of Glutamine Synthetase from Escherichia coli; Correlation between Structure, Activity, and Fitness
- Classification into a Novel Mollu-Series of Neutral Glycosphingolipids from the Lamp Shell, Lingula unguis¶
- Elucidation of Membrane Protein Folding Using Model Transmembrane Helices
- Thermodynamics of Hydrophobic Mismatch for Transmembrane Helix-Helix and Helix-Lipid Interactions
- 香川県善通寺市でのサトウキビ株出し栽培の地上部乾物重における前年度の生育の影響(日本作物学会四国支部第43回講演会講演要旨)