Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University | 論文
- Comparative Analysis of Highly Homologous Shewanella Cytochromes c5 for Stability and Function
- Stibarobdella macrothela (Annelida, Hirudinida, Piscicolidae) from Elasmobranchs in Japanese Waters, with New Host Records
- 肉用牛における妊娠期の血漿中エストロンサルフェート濃度と胎子・胎盤機能との関係
- Contribution of benthic microalgae to the whole water algal biomass and primary production in Suo Nada, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
- 河川アユから分離された Edwardsiella ictaluri の血清型
- ミヤマシジミ幼虫・蛹とその随伴アリの体表炭化水素
- Production of biologically active Atlantic salmon interferon in transgenic potato and rice plants(PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 養殖マハタから検出されたノダウイルスの病原性
- 養殖アユに発生した新型ビブリオ病
- Cloning and characterization of a novel phytase from wastewater treatment yeast Hansenula fabianii J640 and expression in Pichia pastoris(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Analysis of iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in a treatment plant of acid rock drainage from a Japanese pyrite mine by use of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large-subunit gene(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Seasonal variations in the trophic relationship between the scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita s.l. and mesozooplankton in a eutrophic brackish-water lake, Japan
- Excretion and Respiration Rates of the Scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita from the Inland Sea of Japan
- Growth and Age Structure of the Lancelet Branchiostoma belcheri in the Seto Inland Sea, in Relation to Water Temperature
- Advantages of a diluted nutrient broth medium for isolating N_2-producing denitrifying bacteria of α-Proteobacteria in surface and subsurface upland soils(Soil Biology)
- 雄ニワトリの精巣上体における抗原提示細胞の分布におよぼす加齢と性ステロイドの影響
- ニワトリ卵管膣部におけるガリナシンmRNA発現におよぼす加齢, 産卵機能およびサルモネラ菌接種の影響
- スイギュウ卵胞の閉鎖過程におけるConnexin43の発現分布
- スイギュウの閉鎖卵胞におけるvon Willebrand factorおよびvascular endothelial growth factorの分布
- ウシ嚢腫卵胞の顆粒層および内卵胞膜における3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenaseの免疫組織化学的分布