Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Science, Kyushu University | 論文
- Fourier Transform Analysis of Very High Resolution Remote Sensed Imagery Shows Potential for Estimating Stand Density of Regular-spaced Planted Forests
- Aboveground productivity of an unsuccessful 140-year-old Cryptomeria japonica plantation in northern Kyushu, Japan
- Farmer Organization in the Maize Commodity Chain : A Case Study in Lao PDR
- Estimation of Relative Iilluminance using Digital Hemispherical Photography
- Effects of topography and planted trees on the distribution of naturally regenerated broad-leaved trees in a 140-year-old Cryptomeria japonica plantation in northern Kyushu, Japan
- Influence of using texture information in remote sensed data on the accuracy of forest type classification at different levels of spatial resolution
- Myofiber Type Distribution in the Cranial Portion of M. biceps femoris of Japanese Black Young Steers
- Inter-and Intra-breed Variation in the Fiber Type Composition of M. longissimus lumbrum and M. biceps femoris in Japanese Black, Japanese Brown, Holstein and F1 (Japanese Black×Holstein) Steers
- Histochemical Properties of Skeletal Muscles in Different Body Parts of Young Japanese Black Steers
- 斎藤報告「6次産業・農商工連携とフードチェーン」に対するコメント
- SS-mPMG and SS-GA : Tools for Finding Pathways and Dynamic Simulation of Metabolic Networks