Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kumamoto University | 論文
- Effective Pair Potentials of NaCl-and CsCl-type KBr Determined by X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure under Pressure
- Design of a 3/2 Step-Up SC DC-DC Converter for Diode-Lamps
- Design of a Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter with Various Outputs
- Structural Analysis of Nuclear Reprogramming during Newt Dedifferentiation Process(From Model Laboratory Species to Model Wild Species; the Next Generation of Model Animals Derived from Japan, but Applicable Worldwide: Japanese Wood Mouse, Japanese Medaka
- The polar neutral and basic taxoids isolated from needles and twigs of Taxus cuspidata and their biological activity
- Phototriggered Chemical Reduction of NADP^+ by Zn-reconstituted Myoglobin and Triethanolamine as a Sacrificial Donor
- 食品未利用資源の有効利用を目的とした,大豆煮汁からの醸造酢の製造とその抗腫療活性調査
- Molecular Dynamics Studies of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia. : I. Structure and Oxygen Diffusion
- An objective evaluation of segregated speech signal by means of frequency domain binaural model
- Comparison of ANN Models for Estimating Optimal Points of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Modules
- Detection of NS Resource Record DNS Resolution Traffic, Host Search, and SSH Dictionary Attack Activities
- Redox Reaction of Ferritin Immobilized onto SAMs- and Polypeptides-Modified Electrodes
- Dynamic Properties of Disordered Phases of Carbon Studied by an Empirical Potential : Stringent Tests toward Hybrid Approach with the Density-Functional Theory
- Separation of Metal from Metal-Plated Plastic by Pulsed Power
- 25pXA-3 第一原理分子動力学法による液体MgSiO_3の構造と電子状態の圧力依存性II(25pXA 液体,領域6(金属,超低温超伝導・密度波))
- Azimuthal and Elevation Localization Using Inter-Channel Phase and Level Differences for a Hemispheric Object
- PE-381 Pravastatin Ameliorated Cardiac Remodeling and Failure After MI via Increasing Myocardial Glutathion Peroxidase Activity(Cardiovascular pharmacology, basic/clinical-3, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Extruded Mg-Zn-Y Alloys with 14H Long Period Ordered Structure
- Joining of Zr_Be_Ti_Cu_Ni_ Bulk Metallic Glasses by a Friction Welding Method