Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Saitama University | 論文
- サロゲート法おける窓関数の効果(非線形回路とシステム,及び一般)
- Experimental Investigation of Oscillatory Air Flow in a Bronchial Tube Model with HFOV Mode
- Transgenic analysis of the medaka mesp-b enhancer in somitogenesis
- RM-002 LED Traffic Light Detection Using a High-speed-camera for a Road-to-vehicle Visible Light Communication System
- Visible Light Communication Between LED Array and On-vehicle High-speed Camera
- 1P098 タンパク質進化技術「発達ライブラリー法」 : 技術とコンセプト(蛋白質-蛋白質工学/進化工学,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Evolution of Local Magnetic State in SmRu_4P_ Probed by Muon Spin Relaxation(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Age specific rhizome dynamics of Phragmites australis and their effects on nutrient cycling.
- EFFECTS OF THYROID HORMONES ON ESTROGEN RECEPTOR EXPRESSION IN THE VENTROMEDIAL HYPOTHALAMUS OF HYPOTHYROIDAL FEMALE MICE(Endocrinology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- In situ hydraulic tests in the active fault survey tunnel, Kamioka Mine, excavated through the active Mozumi-Sukenobu Fault zone and their hydrogeological significance
- Radiation Hardness of Epitaxial and Non-Epitaxial 6H-SiC MOS Capacitors
- A Turbulent Closure Model for the Urban Area
- C30 Grinding Characteristics of Optical Glass for Surface Roughness Reduction(Nano precision Elid-grinding)
- Basic Grinding Characteristics of Ceramic Materials for Dental Crown
- Algorithm for computing Jordan basis
- A-2-20 STDP学習により生じる同期現象の周波数依存性(A-2.非線形問題,一般セッション)
- A-2-20 ニューラルネットワーク構造とダイナミクスに与える外部入力の影響(A-2.非線形問題,一般セッション)
- 自己組織ニューラルネットワークにおけるシナプス荷重の時空間的解析
- A-2-5 STDP学習則により形成されるニューラルネットワークのスモールワールド効果(A-2.非線形問題,一般講演)
- A-2-14 巡回セールスマン問題のためのカオスサーチに対するパラメータ調整法(A-2.非線形問題,一般セッション)