Graduate School Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- Electronic State of P2-Type Na
- Estimation of Chloride Diffusion Coefficent of Concrete Using Mineral Admixtures
- Influence of Structural Parameters on Electrical Characteristics of Schottky Tunneling Field-Effect Transistor and Its Scalability (Special Issue : Solid State Devices and Materials)
- Spin State of Co
- Laser Plasma Soft X-ray Microscope with Wolter Mirrors for Observation of Biological Specimens in Air
- Energetics and Electronic Structures of Alkanes and Polyethylene Adsorbed on Graphene (Special Issue : Microprocesses and Nanotechnology)
- Energetics and Electronic Structures of Alkanes Adsorbed on Carbon Nanotubes (Special Issue : Solid State Devices and Materials)
- Electronic State of P2-Type Na[x]MO₂ (M = Mn and Co) as Investigated by In situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
- 1P1-5 グルコース水溶液のガラス転移のブリルアン散乱(ポスターセッション)
- Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction Catalyzed by a Dinuclear Ruthenium Complex with a Flexible Bridging Ligand