Graduate School Of Media And Governance Keio University | 論文
- Control of Platooning and Changing Formation of Platoon for Electric Light Vehicles
- WOT for WAT : Spinning the Web of Trust for Peer-to-Peer Barter Relationships(Internet Technology V)
- Euro Banknote Recognition System Using a Three-layered Perceptron and RBF Networks
- B-19-36 自然エネルギ発電を利用したWSNの広域運用シミュレータ(B-19.ユビキタス・センサネットワーク,一般セッション)
- B-19-7 Bluetoothの近接性センサとしての性能評価(B-19.ユビキタス・センサネットワーク,一般セッション)
- 異種スマートフォン間の音圧校正手法の提案(モバイルユビキタス/センサ技術,アドホックネットワーク,RFID,一般及び技術展示)
- Assessing the Dynamics of Bittorrent Swarms Topologies Using the Peer Exchange Protocol
- Large-Scale Cooperative Dissemination of Governmental Information in Emergency — An Experiment and Future Strategies
- ODMT: On-demand Inter-domain Multicast Tunneling
- DP-FEC: Dynamic Probing FEC for High-Performance Real-Time Interactive Video Streaming
- Adaptive Overlay Network for High-Bandwidth Streaming
- DP-FEC: Dynamic Probing FEC for High-Performance Real-Time Interactive Video Streaming
- GENEVA: Streaming Control Algorithm Using Generalized Multiplicative-increase/additive-decrease (Preprint)
- Large-Scale Cooperative Dissemination of Governmental Information in Emergency : An Experiment and Future Strategies
- A distributed system architecture for pedestrian flock detection with participatory sensing
- A distributed system architecture for pedestrian flock detection with participatory sensing
- Bluetoothによる近接性検出タイミングの行動認識を用いた制御手法(ポスター講演,ポスターセッション,フレッシュマン・セッション,ユビキタス・センサネットワーク,ユビキタス・システム,アドホックネットワーク)
- 災害検知WSN長期運用シミュレータと自然エネルギ発電の予測LifeTime を考慮したルーティング手法
- GENEVA: Streaming Control Algorithm Using Generalized Multiplicative-increase/additive-decrease
- GENEVA: Streaming Control Algorithm Using Generalized Multiplicative-increase/additive-decrease