Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University:school Of Agriculture Ibaraki University:(present | 論文
- Horizontal Transfer of Nodulation Genes in Soils and Microcosms from Bradyrhizobium japonicum to B. elkanii
- Nodulation and Competitiveness of gusA-Marked Bradyrhizobium japonicum A1017 in Soybean
- Bradyrhizobium elkanii Induces Outer Cortical Root Swelling in Soybean : GROWTH AND DEVEROPMENT: STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF CELLS
- Effects of Ethylene Precursor and Inhibitors for Ethylene Biosynthesis and Perception on Nodulation in Lotus japonicus and Macroptilium atropurpureum
- Rhizobitoxine produced by Bradyrhizobium elkanii regulates nodule-formation inhibitory mechanisum on Macroptilium atropurpureum
- Rhizobitoxine inhibition of ACC synthase and biosynthetic pathway of rhizobitoxine
- Endophytic colonization in rice by diazotrophic Herbaspirillum sp. isolated from wild rice(The Annual Meeting of the Society in 2000)