Graduate School Of Information Systems University Of Electro-communications | 論文
- 1. Estimate Response-based Active Learning
- Recommending collaborative activities in informal learning using Bayesian methodology
- Output Divergence Criterion for Active Learning in Collaborative Settings
- Output divergence criterion for active learning in collaborative settings (数理モデル化と問題解決・バイオ情報学)
- Human-assistance robotic system based on distributed computing technology
- Risk Compensation due to Human Adaptation to Automation for System Safety
- A Probing Method of Surface Perception
- Student Modelling for Procedural Problem Solving (Special Issue on Intelligent CAI and Hypermedia)
- A study on TCP performance of android tablet devices (コミュニケーションクオリティ)
- Effect of an Occluding Contour on the Volume Perception in Binocular Stereopsis : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Computational model for neural representation of multiple disparities
- An Advanced Movie Recommender System Based on High-Quality Neighbors
- A VANET routing protocol with full utilization of opportunism (コミュニケーションクオリティ)
- A Study on TCP Performance of Android Tablet Devices (放送技術 コンシューマエレクトロニクス)
- A PU Aware Route Discovery Approach for Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks (アドホックネットワーク)
- Detailed Analysis of iPad2 TCP Behaviours (情報ネットワーク)
- 奨励講演 Joint Retransmission and Relay Node Selection Scheme for Multi-hop Broadcast in VANETs (コミュニケーションクオリティ)
- M-27 International Roaming Problem of Packet Switched Data in IMT-2000 network
- Adaptive dynamic walking of a quadruped robot using a neural system model