Graduate School Of Human Informatics Nagoya University | 論文
- Synthesis and Photoinduced Electron Transfer of Pyromellitimide - Linked Porphyrin in Constrained Hydrophobic Environment of Unimer Micelle
- Synthesis of Copolymers Containing C_, Cyclododecyl, and Sulfonate Groups:Photophysical of C_ in Hibhly Constrained Microenvironments
- Intramolecular "Through-Bond" and "Through-Space" Electron Transfer Pathways in Covalently Linked Porphyrin-Quinone Molecules^
- Synthetic Model Approach to "Through-Bond" and "Through-Space" Electron Transfer Pathways
- 25aRL-8 コンフィギュレーションスイッチング単一分子デバイスの動作機構(25aRL 分子デバイス・DNA,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
- Constitutional Dependence of Thermal Conductivity in Dispersion Composites
- Development of Thermal Conductivity Prediction System for Composites
- Stretching of Long DNA under Alternating Current Electric Fields in a Concentrated Polymer Solution
- 3P-068 原子間力顕微鏡による1分子相互作用測定のためのIL-6及びIL-6RのN末端固定法(蛋白質・計測,解析の方法論,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- The Subroutine Package NAES for the Solution of a System of Nonlinear Equations : Deflation Algorithm (数値計算のアルゴリズムの研究)
- 連立非線形代数方程式解法用パッケ-ジNAESとニュ-トン法 (ニュ-トン法の新しい登場)
- Tuning of Electronic Structures of Quasi-One-Dimensional Bromo-Bridged Pd^-Pd^ Mixed-Valence Complexes by Substituting Counter Anions
- Versatile Vapochromic Behavior Accompanied by a Phase Change between Charge-Polarization State and Charge-Density-Wave State in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Iodo-Bridged Dinuclear Platinum Mixed-Valence Compound, [{NH_3(CH_2)_5NH_3}_2]-[Pt_2(pop)_4I]・4H_2O
- New Charge-transfer Salts Based on Unsymmetrical Donor DMET and Metal Complex Anions : (DMET)_3[Cr(isoq)_2(NCS)_4] and (DMET)_3[Cr(phen)(NCS)_4]・CH_3CN
- Unprecedented Soliton Formation Mechanism in Quasi-One-Dimensional Chloro-Bridged Pt^-Pt^ Mixed-Valence Compound, {[Pt(en)_2][PtCl_2(en)_2]}_3(CuCl_4)_4・12H_2O
- P-71 Structural and metamorphic evolution of the late Proterozoic basement rocks in the Negele area, southern Ethiopia
- Effect of Twisting and Anisotropic Rigidity on the Behavior of a Double-Stranded Polymer Chain : A Monte Carlo Simulation
- The Structural Change Caused by Temperature-Induced Metal-toLigand Charge Transfer in [Pd(HBQD)_2]TCNQ(HBCD=1,2-Benzoquinonedioxime
- Responses of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Needles of Hinoki Cypress(Chamaecyparis obtusa) Seedlings to Nutrient Solutions Containing Various Calcium/Aluminum Ratios
- Effect of Ca on Al-induced Activation of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Needles of Hinoki Cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)