Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University | 論文
- 破壊靭性試験下における紙のクラック先端塑性変形域の寸法評価
- Development of Chemical Probes for the Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 Involving Radiolabeled T140 Analogs
- Soybean Glycinin A1aB1b Subunit Has a Molecular Chaperone-like Function to Assist Folding of the Other Subunit Having Low Folding Ability
- 酵素電極間直接電子移動反応解析
- New Leads of Low Molecular Weight CXCR4 Antagonists Based on Enhancement of the T140-based Pharmacophores
- Survival and germination of an experimental seed bank population of two species of Lauraceae in a tropical montane forest in Thailand
- Potentiating and blocking actions of neonicotinoids on the response to acetylcholine of the neuronal α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
- Neonicotinoids Show Selective and Diverse Actions on Their Nicotinic Receptor Targets: Electrophysiology, Molecular Biology, and Receptor Modeling Studies
- '土佐文旦'におけるストレプトマイシン処理と摘果時期の違いが無核果実生産に及ぼす影響(栽培管理・作型)
- '無核紀州'タイプの無核性発現と胚の発育停止に及ぼすジベレリンの影響
- '土佐文旦'における無核果実生産の実用性
- Development of a Mobile Grading Machine for Citrus Fruit
- P9-16 インド稲のカドミウム吸収の品種間差(ポスター紹介,9.植物の無機栄養,2008年度愛知大会)
- Model-based Optimal Design of Land Use Arrangement for Environmentally Sound Watershed Management
- Denitrification Activity and Relevant Bacteria Revealed by Nitrite Reductase Gene Fragments in Soil of Temperate Mixed Forest
- PB-75 Preliminary study of the contribution of microbes to the weathering of granite(Community structure,Poster presentation B)
- LAMP法によるウメの自家和合性個体の簡易検出法
- 2P-234 細胞サイズのリン脂質ベシクル内におけるゲノムサイズDNAの高次構造変化(生体膜/人工膜・ダイナミクス,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 和歌山演習林におけるニホンカモシカ・ニホンジカによる幼齢造林木被害とその防除
- カモシカ・シカの保護管理論に関する一試論--防護柵の効果と機能