Grad. School of agriculture, Kobe Univ. | 論文
- (21)Phenotypic Analyses of the Knock-down Mutants of 37 Calcium Signaling Proteins in Magnaporthe oryzae(Abstracts Presented at the Meeting of the Kansai Division,Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Division Meetings of the Phytopathological Society of J
- (108) Comprehensive Analyses of Calcium Signaling Proteins in the Rice Blast Fungus, Magnaporthe oryze, by an RNA Silencing Approach(Abstracts of the Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society)
- (95) Specific Cleavage of Ribosomal RNA and mRNA during Victorin-induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Oats(Abstract of the Paper Presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting in Sapporo)
- (52) A Convergent Opposing Promoters System to Explore Genome-wide Gene Function in the Rice Blast Fungus by an RNA Silencing Approach(Abstracts Presented at the Meeting of the Kansai Division, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Division Meetings of the
- (9) Degradation of Ribosomal RNA Associated with Apoptotic Response of Oat Cells Triggered by the Host-Selective Toxin, Victorin(Abstracts Presented at the Meeting of the Kansai Division, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Division Meetings of the Phyto
- (48)Modification of Pseudomonas fluorescens by Disrupting the Nitric Oxide Reductase (NOR) Gene for the Biological Control of Ralstonia solanacearum.(Abstracts Presented at the Meeting of the Kansai Division) (Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Division