Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pakistan | 論文
- 2 パキスタン国,Muslim Bagh地域における中生代Neo-Tethysの古地理(地域地質)
- パキスタン西部、モスリムバーグ地域の中生代枕状溶岩(フォト)
- 44. パキスタン西部ムスリムバーグ地域のオフィオライトとメランジュ帯 : メランジュ帯の地質とテクトニックス
- 43. パキスタン西部ムスリムバーグ地域のオフィライトとメランジュ帯 : メランジュ帯の地質と放散虫年代
- Petrological data of the granitic rocks from Asian and Indian plates in northern Pakistan
- Rock magnetic properties of the late Pleistocene Loess-Paleosol deposits in Haro River area, Attock basin, Pakistan : Is magnetic susceptibility a proxy measure of paleoclimate?
- Geologic structure and geochemical characteristics of sediments of fluoride and arsenic contaminated groundwater aquifer in Kalalanwala and its vicinity, Punjab, Pakistan
- Paleomagnetic study of Utror Volcanic Formation: Remagnetizations and postfolding rotations in Utror area, Kohistan arc, northern Pakistan
- Late Permian CHIME ages of the Hida Gneiss and early Triassic age of the Mizunashi Granite in the Amo area of the Hida terrane, central Japan
- パキスタン北部, ヒマラヤ-カラコルム帯の岩石磁気学的調査
- Remanent magnetization of oolitic ironstone beds, Hazara area, Lesser Himalayan thrust zone, Northern Pakistan : Its acquisition, timing, and paleoenvironmental implications