Geological Survey of Canada | 論文
- A simple method for deriving the uniform field MT responses in auroral zones
- Decomposition and Modelling of the BC87 Dataset
- 地球化学と地球物理学の手法による南海トラフのガスハイドレートの発見と評価
- 間隙水の塩素イオン濃度および酸素・水素同位体組成比から見た南海トラフにおけるガスハイドレート生成過程の解明
- 南海トラフ地域における天然ガスハイドレートの産状 : ガスハイドレート濃集への意義
- Introduction to MT-DIW2 Special Issue
- The BC87 Dataset: Tectonic Setting, Previous EM Results, and Recorded MT Data
- Electric and Magnetic Field Galvanic Distortion Decomposition of BC87 Data
- The COPROD2 Dataset: Tectonic Setting, Recorded MT Data, and Comparison of Models
- Robust Processing of Magnetotelluric Data from the Auroral Zone
- The Longest Conductivity Anomaly in the World Explained : Sulphides in Fold Hinges Causing Very High Electrical Anisotropy
- Crust and upper mantle resistivity structure in the southwestern end of the Kuril Arc as revealed by the joint analysis of conventional MT and network MT data
- Internal layering detected by a microwave ice-radar in the Arctic ice cap (scientific paper)
- Regional geoelectrical complexity of the Western Canada Basin from magnetotelluric tensor invariants
- A Massive Retrogressive Landslide in Sensitive Champlain Sea Sediments near Saint-Boniface-de-Shawinigan, Quebec, Canada, April 1996
- Development and Field Experiment of L-Band High-Resolution Ice-Radar(Special Issue on Advances in Radar Systems)
- 2D inversion of 3D magnetotelluric data:The Kayabe dataset
- The Position of the North Magnetic Dip Pole in 1994
- An Interpretation of Magnetovariational Data in the Northern Tohoku District, Japan, Using Multi Sheet Modelling
- An Evaluation of a Regional Orthogonal Field Model for Canada with Respect to the Canadian Geomagnetic Reference Field