Geological Survey Of Japan Aist | 論文
- Philippine Sea Plate motion since the Eocene estimated from paleomagnetism of seafloor drill cores and gravity cores
- Geothermal gradient and heat flow data in and around Japan (I) : Appraisal of heat flow from geothermal gradient data
- Stress field in the source region after the 2007 M_w 6.6 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki earthquake deduced from aftershock focal mechanisms : Implication for a pre-mainshock stress field
- A relative paleointensity record of the geomagnetic field since 1.6Ma from the North Pacific
- New K-Ar ages of the Society Islands, French Polynesia, and implications for the Society hotspot feature
- Petrologic evolution of Palau, a nascent island arc
- Coastal deformation associated with the 2007 Noto Hanto earthquake, central Japan, estimated from uplifted and subsided intertidal organisms
- REE Mineralization of Weathered Crust and Clay Sediment on Granitic Rocks in the Sanyo Belt, SW Japan and the Southern Jiangxi Province, China
- Resource Evaluation of Indium in the Dajing Tin-Polymetallic Deposits, Inner Mongolia, China
- Chemical Evolution of Zircons in the Paleogene Naegi Granite, Central Japan
- Nine outsize tsunami deposits from the past 4000 years at Kiritappu marsh along the southern Kuril subduction zone, northern Japan
- The long stratigraphic record of lacustrine cores at Harutori-ko provides evidence for unusually large tsunamis along the Kuril subduction zone in the past 9500 years
- Metamorphic and cooling history of the Shimanto accretionary complex, Kyushu, Southwest Japan : Implications for the timing of out-of sequence thrusting
- 韓国のカンブロ-オルドヴィス紀炭酸塩岩の硫黄含有量と同位対比:中生代マグマ熱水性鉱床の硫黄起源の可能性
- 韓国の花崗岩類と帯磁率
- X-ray computerized tomography analysis and density estimation using a sediment core from the Challenger Mound area in the Porcupine Seabight, off Western Ireland
- DISTRIBUTION OF FRESHWATER BRYOZOANS IN IBARAKI PREFECTURE, CENTRAL JAPAN, WITH REFERENCE TO WATER QUALITY(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Holocene ages and inland source of wood blocks that emerged onto the seafloor during the 2007 Chuetsu-oki, central Japan, earthquake
- Geochemical study of fluid inclusions in anhydrite from the Kakkonda geothermal system, northeast Japan
- Escape of volcanic gas into shallow groundwater systems at Unzen Volcano (Japan) : evidence from chemical and stable carbon isotope compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon