Geological Survey Of Japan Aist | 論文
- Changes in groundwater level associated with the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake
- K-Ar Ages of Unzen Volcano in Kyushu, Japan : With Some Aspects of Geology of Mayu-Yama
- 日本国内で採取した風送ダストの粒径分布と大気中濃度に関する予察的研究
- O-78 Discovery of "hydrothermal" chemosynthetic community in a cold seep environment, Formosa Ridge: preliminary results from NT07-05 Cruise, off southwestern Taiwan(海洋地質,口頭発表,一般講演)
- Indian Summer Monsoon Variability during the Holocene as Recorded in Sediments of the Arabian Sea : Timing and Implications
- Carbonate deposits on submerged seamounts in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
- Alteration and mass transfer inferred from the Hirabayashi GSJ drill penetrating the Nojima Fault, Japan
- Internal structure of the Nojima Fault zone from the Hirabayashi GSJ drill core
- The seismicity, fault structures, and stress field in the seismic gap adjacent to the 2004 Mid-Niigata earthquake inferred from seismological observations
- Off-fault aftershocks of the 2005 West Off Fukuoka Prefecture Earthquake : Reactivation of a structural boundary?
- 黄河河口域の地下温度プロファイル
- Aeromagnetic constraints on the subsurface structure of the Unzen Graben, Kyushu, Japan
- Subsurface structure of Unzen graben based on aeromagnetic and volcanological data (地球電磁気学の諸問題)
- αトラック法による長町-利府線の断層調査(予報)
- Sedimentary facies of Carboniferous-Permian mid-oceanic carbonates in the Changning-Menglian Belt, West Yunnan, Southwest China : Origin and depositional process
- Carboniferous-Permian mid-oceanic carbonates of the Paleo-Tethys in the Changning-Menglian Belt, West Yunnan, Southwest China
- Diatom (Bacillariophyceae) flora of salt marshes along the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido, northern Japan
- Systematic correlation of the Ce anomaly with the Co/(Ni+Cu) ratio and Y fractionation from Ho in distinct types of Pacific deep-sea nodules
- REE partitioning between Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide precipitates and weakly acid NaCl solutions : Convex tetrad effect and fractionation of Y and Sc from heavy lanthanides
- Microfabric analysis of the surficial layer of deep-sea sediments by micro X-ray CT : an example from the Nansei-shoto (Ryukyu) Trench