- Mobile Wireless Devices, Virtualization and Power Saving
- Numerical Study on the Effect of Buildings on Temperature Variation in Urban and Suburban Areas in Tokyo
- Reducing Spurious Output of Balanced Modulators by Dynamic Matching of I, Q Quadrature Paths(AD/DA, Analog Circuit and Device Technologies)
- Labor Law
- Mutual Understanding and Cooperation Between Teachers and Parents of Pupils with Profound and Multiple Disabilities Who Utilize Homebound/Hospital Education Services : With a Focus on Homebound Education Services
- FOREWORD (Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- CNG operation of a two-stroke, two-cylinder marine S. I. engine and its characteristics of self-ignition combustion
- The effect of coconut oil and diesel fuel blends on diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions
- Effect of EGR on the Particulate and Its Component Emissions in a D. I. Diesel Engine
- 1P147 2-dimensional crystallization of mutant bacterioferritin(4. Protein engineering,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- PJ-535 Coronary Plaque Burden Detected by Multislice Computed Tomography in Patients with Atypical Chest Pain(CT/DSA-7 (I) PJ90,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Image Fusion by Neural Networks and its Applications to Spatial Resolution Improvement of Low Resolution Thermal Infrared Images.
- (3-27) Vortex Promotion in a DI Diesel Engine Combustion Chamber with Bluff Bodies((DE-5)Diesel Engine Combustion 5-Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow)
- (1-04) Direct Particulate Sampling Study in a DI Diesel Combustion Chamber((DE-2)Diesel Engine Combustion 2-Combustion and Emission Control)
- Restrictions of reproducing kernel Hilber spaces to subsets : Preliminary Reports
- Inhibition of Amyloid Formation by Choline-O-Sulfate
- Effects of NDSB, amyloid formation inhibitor, on protein structure
- A Study on Effect of Integrator Non-Linearity on Performance Degradation of * Δ Modulator
- Labor Law
- Low noise composite gear consisting of resin and steel without lubrication