Fukuoka University Faculty Of Sports Science | 論文
- Target Step Count for the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- P1-40 The muscular activity level during the sub maximal bench stepping, cycling, walking and running(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- 2P26 Effects of the exercise intervention on heart rate at lactate threshold in older adults, : SAT project 108
- Response of blood lactate and heart rate at the submaximal exercise for middle-aged and older subjects.
- A Nutritional Assessment of College Karate Players
- Plasma Free and Sulfoconjugated Dopamine before and after a Half-Marathon
- 2B-06 There is possibility that relative working muscular ischemic threshold tension is the ergometoric measurement which is useful for angiogenesis around type II fiber(Muscular Function, The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Ex
- 2B-05 Regulation of gene expression in human skeletal muscle by short-term lactate threshold intensity exercise training(Muscular Function, The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 30-31, (Tokyo))
- Effect of Low Intensity Aerobic Training on Skeletal Muscle Capillary and Blood Lipoprotein Profiles
- 1A-03 Relationships between the skeletal muscle morpology and the serum profiles of lipid and glucose metabolism in healthy Japanese men.
- 2C-10 Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Serum Lipids and Lipoprotein Concentrations in Pre and Post Menopausal State : A Longitudinal Study
- P2-39 Effect of the one-week flavangenol ingestion on the energy metabolism during endurance exercise(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- 2P25 Effect of exercise on aerobic capacity and leg extension power in elderly.-SAT project 107-
- Multivariate Analysis of the Prognostic Determinants of the Depressor Response to Exercise Therapy in Patients With Essential Hypertension
- 2D-02 Effects of LT Level Training on Baroreflex Sensitivity in Young Male
- 286.The effects of long-term low intensity aerobic training and the cessation of training on the serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in older patients.
- Software Reliability Measurement and Assessment with Stochastic Differential Equations (Special Section on Reliability)
- Software Reliability Measurement with Prior-Information on Initial Fault Content
- The Difference between the Basal Metabolic Rate and the Sleeping Metabolic Rate in Japanese