Frontier Research Center for Global Change, JAMSTEC | 論文
- Growth Rate, Seasonal, Synoptic, Diurnal Variations and Budget of Methane in the Lower Atmosphere
- Validation of ADEOS-II GLI Ocean Color Products Using In-Situ Observations
- GLI海洋プロダクトの開発と利用研究(宇宙応用シンポジウム : ADEOS-II)
- 衛星を用いた海洋基礎生産推定の現状と将来的展望 (総特集 海産藻類の光合成系と生産性の再評価)
- 衛星による植物プランクトン分布と基礎生産量の観測 (総特集 海洋生物生産の加速と海洋大気)
- 2000年夏季の北太平洋亜寒帯における外洋域表面でのサイズ分画したクロロフィルα濃度
- A202 The role of ocean-atmosphere coupling in the Indian Ocean on simulation of the intraseasonal oscillations in a coupled general circulation model
- Abnormal Meridional Temperature Gradient and its Relation to the Okhotsk High
- The Connectivity of the Winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Summer Okhotsk High
- New Microphysical Schemes with Five and Six Categories by Diagnostic Generation of Cloud Ice(The International Workshop on High-Resolution and Cloud Modeling, 2006)
- North-south contrasts in decadal scale variations in lower trophic-level ecosystems in the Japan Sea