First Department of Surgery University of Tokyo | 論文
- Impact of a Clinical Pathway and Standardization of Treatment for Acute Appendicitis
- A New Preoperative Grading System for Predicting the Operative Conditions for Abdominal Wall-Lifting Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Heterogeneity of DNA Ploidy Pattern in Carcinoma of the Gallbladder : Primary and Metastatic Sites
- Exocrine function of caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in anesthetized rats
- Malignant Insulinoma Causing Liver Metastasis 8 Years after the Initial Surgery : Report of a Case
- Total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis in ulcerative colitis
- Monte Carlo Simulation and Static and Dynamic Critical Behavior of the Plane Rotator Model
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Quantum Spin Systems. I
- New Method of Monte Carlo Simulations and Phenomenological Theory of Phase Transition in the Two-Dimensional XY-Model
- Surgical anatomy of the pancreas for limited resection
- Pancreatic Mucin-Producing Adenocarcinoma Associated with a Pancreatic Stone : Report of a Case
- Mucin-producing adenoma associated with pancrease divisum and hepatic hilar carcinoma: An autopsy case
- Phosphorylated Akt/PKB Controls Cell Growth and Apoptosis in Intraductal Papillary-Mucinous Tumor and Invasive Ductal Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas
- Subcutaneous Arginine Administration Causes Apoptosis of Rat Pancreas
- Anatomy and histology of Virchow's node
- Origin of the thoracic duct and pancreaticoduodenal lymphatic pathways to the para-aortic lymph nodes
- Successful Surgical Treatment for Spontaneous Retroperitoneal Hematoma in Polycythemia Vera : Report of a Case
- A small glucagonoma of the pancreas with evident ductular and tubular structures
- Results of the Double Stapling Procedure in Colorectal Surgery
- Unusual cerebral complication associated with ulcerative colitis