Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | 論文
- Measurement of the Lifetimes of Charged and Neutral Beauty Hadrons : Particles and Fields
- CP非保存実験の現状と将来
- Detection Method of Neutrino Interaction in the Vertical Emulsion Target of Hybird Apparatus
- Preliminary study of B_B parameter using Lattice NRQCD
- Morphological Butcher-Oemler Effect in the SDSS "Cut and Enhance" Galaxy Cluster Catalog
- Composite Luminosity Functions Based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey "Cut and Enhance" Galaxy Cluster Catalog
- Hδ-Strong Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: I. The Catalog
- 素粒子物理学における発見, 二種類ニュートリノから標準模型へ
- The CKM Matrix from Lattice QCD(Commemorating the Nobel Prize Awarded to M. Kobayashi and T. Maskawa)
- Lattice QCD( Frontiers of Elementary Particle Physics, the Standard Model and Beyond)
- Spin Tracking with "Real" Siberian Snakes in RHIC(1st Session: RHIC Spin Commissioning,Polarized Partons at High Q^2 Region)
- Self-Dual Yang-Mills Theory, Integrability and Multiparton Amplitudes
- Worldsheet Reparametrizations and the Tomonaga-Schwinger-Dirac Formalism for String Theory
- Anomalies
- Kaons-A Micro-Physics Laboratory : "Will You Still Need Me When I'm 64?"(The Beatles)(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium)
- レプトンフレーバー混合とニュートリノ質量 : 到達点と近未来