Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University | 論文
- Fluorescence reactions of "crowned" benzothiazolylphenols with alkali and alkaline earth metal ions and their analytical applications.
- センブリの組織培養の研究-2-カルスと親植物諸器官の成分比較
- センブリの組織培養の研究-1-カルスの培養条件について
- The solvent extraction-spectrophotometric determination of perchlorate ions with monoethynolog of malachite green.
- Optical resolution of 2,2',6,6'-tetrafluorobiphenyl-3,3'-dicarboxylic acid.
- Effect of Diphenylhydantoin on the Drug Metabolism and the Fatty Acid Composition of Phospholipids in Hepatic Microsomes
- Effects of Phenobarbital, Ethanol and Ethionine on the Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Hepatic Microsomal Phospholipids
- Ethynologs of triphenylmethane dyes. Part 6. A simple and convenient synthesis of aryl-substituted push-pull butadienes from 1,1-diaryl-2-propyn-1-ols.
- Development and Application of Organic Reagents for Analysis. VI. Synthesis and Fluorescence Spectral Properties of 2-(4-Substituted phenyl)benzofurans