Faculty of Marine Science, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology | 論文
- 館山湾におけるトラノオガニの成長と繁殖
- Effects of highly unsaturated fatty acids on escape ability from moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita in red sea bream Pagrus major larvae
- 淡水循環式養殖システムから排出される堆積物の化学的分解による液肥化
- Relationship between soak time and number of enmeshed animals in experimentally lost gill nets
- IPN抗病性に関連する新規ニジマス遺伝子マーカー
- コイの各組織におけるシステインスルフィン酸デカルボキシラーゼとシステアミンジオキシゲナーゼ活性の分布
- Possible Effects of Diets on Serum Lipids, Fatty Acids and Blood Pressure Levels in Male and Female Japanese University Students
- Differences in Dietary Habits, Serum Fatty Acid Compositions and Other Coronary Risk Characteristics between Freshmen and Fourth-year Male University Students
- タイ国クローン・ンガオ・ラグーンにおけるアカテノコギリガザミ雌の資源量とサイズ分布
- 北太平洋および東シナ海表層における低濃度硝酸塩の鉛直分布
- Scattering of Semidiurnal Internal Kelvin Wave at Step Bottom Topography
- Verification of Vertically Generalized Production Model and Estimation of Primary Production in Sagami Bay, Japan
- Estimating codend selectivity and fish escapement from a covernet of an insufficiently small mesh size
- Guanine-cytosine contents of the host and symbiont cDNA in a symbiotic coral
- Effect of tooth spacing on the contact selection and available selection of a dredge for the equilateral Venus clam Gomphina melanaegis
- Allozyme variation of littleneck clam Ruditapes philippinarum and genetic mixture analysis of foreign clams in Ariake Sea and Shiranui Sea off Kyushu Island, Japan
- Application of microparticle diets for Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae
- Age and growth of yellowstriped butterfish, Labracoglossa argentiventris, around Izu Oshima Island
- Modification of DeLury's method for a fishery exploiting two stocks
- Age and growth of alfonsino Beryx splendens in the waters around the Izu Islands