Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University | 論文
- 157-nm-Induced Resist Outgassing Studied by Film Thickness Loss and In-Situ Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
- Dynamics of Silylenes in Polysilylenes with Structural Defects by Excimer Laser Flash Photolysis
- Electronic Structure of Polysilanes Studies by Femtosecond Laser Flash Photolysis
- Root contribution to stay-green in rice (Oryza sativa L.) subjected to desiccated soils in the post-anthesis period
- A Recessive Lesion Mimic Mutant of Rice with Elevated Resistance to Fungal Pathogens
- Effects of Ethanol on Phospholipases in the Mouse Brain, Heart and Liver
- The Contribution of Arabidopsis Homologs of L-Gulono-1,4-lactone Oxidase to the Biosynthesis of Ascorbic Acid
- Convenient Estimation of Unfertilized Grains in Rice
- Enantioselective Aerobic Oxidation of Sulfides Catalyzed by Optically Active β-Oxo Aldiminatomanganese(III) Complexes
- Effect of Climate Change on Rainfed Maize Production : Assessment of Maize Production vs. a Changing Rainfall Pattern in Malawi
- Soil Degradation during the Period 1967-1995 in Bangladesh : III. Particle Size Distribution
- Chlorophenol Hydroxylase Activity Encoded by TfdB from 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D)-Degrading Bradyrhizobium sp. Strain RD5-C2
- Effect of flow parameters of rumen digesta on effective degradability and microbial yield in sheep
- Relationship between Apical Dome Diameter at Panicle Initiation and the Size of Panicle Components in Rice Grown under Different Nitrogen Conditions during the Vegetative Stage
- Correlation between Viability of Pollination and Length of Basal Dehiscence of the Theca in Rice under a Hot-and-Humid Condition(Crop Physiology and Ecology)
- 高温・好気法によるアオコ汚泥の処理
- Morphological Characteristics and Their Inheritance in Colchicine-induced Salvia Polyploids
- Soils of Flood Plains of West Africa : General Fertility Status
- Mineral Composition of Leaves and Bark in Aluminum Accumulators in a Tropical Rain Forest in Indonesia
- インドネシア西スマトラの熱帯雨林における樹木種の分布と土壌養分特性 II. 非集積性樹木種の分布