Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University | 論文
- 福岡県久留米-上陽地域における三郡変成岩の変形構造
- 岡山県落合-旭地域の三郡変成岩中にみられる褶曲の重ね合わせ
- 岡山県旭地域における三郡変成岩の重複変形
- 南部北上山地牡鹿半島におけるスレートへき開組織
- 島根県三隅地域の三隅層群("三郡変成岩")中にみられる変形構造
- Molecular Weight Dependence of Primary Nucleation Rate of Polyethylene I. An Extended Chain Single Crystal
- Conduritol F Glucosides and Terpenoid Glucosides from Cynanchum liukiuense and Distribution of Conduritol F Glucosides in Several Asclepiadaceous Plants
- Photoacoustic EXAFS of Solid Phase
- コロンビアアマゾン上流部、マカレナ地域における河畔林の樹種と年輪特性
- Unsteady Flow Near a Circular Cylinder Oscillated Sinusoidally in Uniform Flow : 1st Report, Vortex-Shedding Mechanism in Synchronization Phenomena
- Unsteady Flow Near a Circular Cylinder Oscillating Sinusoidally in a Uniform Flow : The Structure of the Boundary Layer and Flows Near the Separation Points
- Role of Transient Metastable Hexagonal Phase in the Formation of Extended Chain Single Crystals of Vinylidene Fluoride and Trifluoroethylene Copolymers
- Effects of Semicore Electrons on the Structure of Liquid Rubidium : an ab initio Molecular-Dynamics Simulation
- A New, Automatic Hydrothermal Fluid Sampler Using a Shape-Memory Alloy
- Effect of Hydrogen Absorption on Superconductivity in YBa_2Cu_3O_ : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Atomic Force Microscopy of Isotactic Polystyrene Crystals
- Atomic Force Microscopy of Solution Grown Polyethylene Single Crystals
- Electron Microscopy of the Gel-forming Ability of Polysaccharide Food Additives(Food & Nutrition)
- Rough Surface Effect on Meissner Diamagnetism in Normal-Layer of N-S Proximity-Contact System
- Rough Surface Effects on d-Wave Superconductors