Faculty of Fisheries Science Hokkaido University | 論文
- Seasonal changes in the planktonic food web off Cape Esan, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan
- Seasonal changes in micro-zooplankton grazing on pyhtoplankton assemblages in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific
- Seasonal Changes in Nano/Micro-Zooplankton Herbivory and Heterotrophic Nano-Flagellates Bacterivory off Cape Esan, Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan
- Deleterious effect of diatom diets on egg production and hatching success in the marine copepod Pseudocalanus newmani
- Dimethyl sulfoxide-respiring bacteria in Suribati Ike, a hypersaline lake, in Antarctica and the marine environment
- GENOMIC ANALYSIS AND MOLECULAR EVOLUTION OF THE VITELLINE COAT PROTEIN, HaVC80, IN THE ASCIDIAN, HALOCYNTHIA AURANTIUM(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Therapeutic Effect of Camostat Mesilate on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in mdx Mice
- STUDIES ON THE VITELLINE COAT PROTEINS FROM THE ASCIDIAN, HALOCYNTHIA AURANTIUM(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Microbial communities in oligotrophic Lake Toya, Japan
- 7. Succession of the Calanoid Copepod Community in Funka Bay during Spring Phytoplankton Bloom
- Is the negative effect of crowding on ingestion rate in Daphnia pulex induced physically or chemically?
- Effect of high population density on growth and reproduction of Daphnia pulex DeGeer
- 2. Coastal Oyashio Multidisciplinary and Advanced Study (COMPAS) Program Using New Ocean Color Remote Sensing and Intensive Ship Observations
- Effects of salinity on survival, and embryonic and postembryonic development of Eurytemora affinis from a freshwater lake
- Origin of Thalassiosira diatoms that cause the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan
- Structure and magnitude of diatom spring bloom in Funka Bay, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan, as influenced by the intrusion of Coastal Oyashio Water