Faculty of Fisheries,Hokkaido University | 論文
- 魚貝類の石灰化に関する研究-III : 2,3の魚種の耳石不透明帯形成期の耳石液におけるプレアルブミン分画の出現および蛋白量の増加
- Origin of the Yearly Crop of Eggs in the Bitterling,Rhodeus ocellatus
- Ultrastructure of the Japanese Eel Spermatozoon
- In vitro Maturation of the Oocytes in the Medaka,Oryzias latipes
- Basophils in the adenohypophysis of the gold fish (Carassius auratus)
- Interstitial Cells in the Immature Testes of the Rainbow Trout
- On the Unprecedentedly Large Number of Chromosomes of the Crayfish,Astacus trowbridgii Stimpson
- Cyclical Changes in the Wall of the Ovarian Lumen in the Medaka,Oryzias latipes
- Origin of the Yearly Crop of Eggs in the Medaka,Oryzias latipes