Faculty of Engineering The University of Tokyo | 論文
- Forced Convective Boiling Experiments f Binary Mixtures
- Slug Flow Transition in Horizontal Gas-Liquid Flow
- Behavior of the Gas-liquid Interface in a Horizontal Tube after the Step Change of Air Flow
- Deformation Behavior during Solidification of Steels
- Niobium Oxides as Cathode Electrocatalysts for Platinum-free Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells
- Application of CDP stacking to cross-well data -Application to the field data-
- Practical Efficiencies of Planar Point Location Algorithms (Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- A Pipelined Data-Path Synthesis Method Based on Simulated Annealing
- A Model for Explaining a Phenomenon in Creative Concept Formation
- Matrix Form of Reynolds Equation : Expansion of Pressure by Orthogonal Functions
- Jet Noise : 2nd Report, Effect of Shear on the Noise of a Jet
- Analysis of the Mechanism of Soil Cutting : 2nd Report. Deformation and Internal Stress of Soil in Cutting
- Analysis of the Mechanism of Soil Cutting : 4th Report, Properties of Soils Related to Cutting
- A Study on Ingot Making with Horizontal Circular Vibration
- Analysis of the Mechanism of Soil Cutting : 3rd Report. Distribution of Stresses on Cutting Blade and Cutting Force
- Analysis Of the Mechanism of Soil : 1st Report. Cutting Patterns of Soils
- Miniature Gauges for Soil, Grains and Powders
- Studies on the Heat Transfer of Fluids at a Supercritical Pressure : 1st Report, A Proposition of Reference Values of Thermal Properties and Experiments with Supercritical Carbon-Dioxide
- Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of the organophosphorus pesticides dimethoate, fenthion, diazinon and chlorphyrifos in human blood