Faculty of Engineering Nagoya University | 論文
- Observations of Time-Dependent Asymmetric Spectra of Density Fluctuations in a Linear Turbulently Heated Plasma by Far-Infrared Laser Scattering
- Spectroscopic Measurement of Cyclotron Radiations from Linear Device with Field-Gradient along the Axis
- Deformation and Strength of Metal over Punch in Sheet Metal Drawing : 1st Report, General Features of the Fracture Behaviour
- Internal Resonances of a Cracked Rotor : Major Critical Speed and Critical Speeds in Precritical Range
- 2次元画像と3次元モデルのマッチングによるシーンの解析
- Experiments on the Relatively Thick, Turbulent Boundary Layers on a Rotating Cylinder in Axial Flows : 2nd Report, Flows under Pressure Gradients
- Update article Role of basal ganglia in behavioral learning
- New fermentation technique to process fish waste
- Statistical Property and Signal Processing of Received Wave of Subsurface Radar (Special Issue on Radar Technology)
- Internal Resonance in a Rotating Shaft System : The Coincidence of Two Critical Speeds for Subharmonic Oscillation of the Order l/2 and Synchronous Backward Precession
- Effects of Nonlinear Spring Characteristics on the Dynamic Unstable Region of an Unsymmetrical Rotor
- Effects of Quartic Nonlinear Restoring Forces on 1/2-0rder Subharmonic and Summed-and-Differential Harmonic Oscillations of a Rotating Shaft : Variations of Resonance Curves and Occurrence of Unstable Vibrations
- Super-Summed-and-Differential Harmonic Oscillations in a Symmetrical Rotating Shaft System
- Vibrations of a Rotating Shaft with Rotating Nonlinear Restoring Forces at the Major Critical Speed
- Combination Tones in a Rotating Shaft System
- Unstable Vibrations of an Unsymmetrical Shaft at the Secondary Critical Speed due to Ball Bearings
- Nonlinear Forced Oscillations of a Rotating Shaft Carrying an Unsymmetrical Rotor at the Major Critical Speed
- Super-Summed-and-Differential Harmonic Oscillations of an Unsymmetrical Shaft and an Unsymmetrical Rotor
- Subharmonic and Summed-and-Differential Harmonic Oscillations of an Unsymmetrical Rotor
- Summed-and-Differential Harmonic Oscillations of an Unsymmetrical Shaft