Faculty of Engineering Kyushu University | 論文
- ベンチスケール連続式水熱処理装置によるバイオマス・低品位炭混合燃料の製造
- 地下水中の亜ヒ酸のPRBによる不動化
- アルカリ水熱処理におけるバイオマスの分解挙動
- 微生物を媒介としたマンガンの鉱化作用とその環境修復への展望
- 透過型反応バリアによる地下水汚染修復
- 下水汚泥からのリン資源回収システムの開発(第2報) : 磁力選別によるリン品位の向上
- 透過型反応浄化壁による地下水中のセレンの不動化
- 旧精進川鉱山における河川水および懸濁物質中のヒ素の挙動
- Proposed Stochastic Quantum Cascade Model(Contribution to 21 Century Intelligent Technologies and Bioinformatics)
- Nonlinear Forced Vibration of Roller Chain
- Analysis of Coupled Vibration between Railway Vehicle Wheels and a Rail in Both Vertical and Horizontal Directions Using an Approximate Model with an Infinite Number of Vehicles
- Heat Transfer in an Open Thermosyphon
- THE CONTIBUTION OF THE PURKINJE SYSTEM TO THE ENDOCARDIAL EXCITATION SPREAD IN THE RIGHT VENTRICLE : Arrhythmia II : IInd Auditorium : Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society, Tokyo, 1979
- Vibration Control of a Rotating Disk Subjected to a Periodic External Force by Dynamic Absorbers
- Nonlinear Response of Roller Chain to Combined Forcing and Parametric Excitations
- Vibrations of Nonlinear Systems with Discontinuities : The Case of a Preloaded Compliance System
- The Effect of Radiation on Film Boiling Heat Transfer : 2nd Report, Horizontal Cylinder and Sphere Perpendicular to Upward Vertical Flow
- The Effect of Radiation on Film Boiling Heat Transfer : Plane Wall Parallel to Upward Vertical Flow
- Nonlinear Free Vibration of Roller Chain Streched Vertically
- On the Static Running Accuracy of Cylindrical Roller Bearings